63 Years After A Bogus Independence, We Must Now Give Up The Illusive Search For Power And Go For Our Freedom

63 Years After A Bogus Independence, We Must Now Give Up The Illusive Search For Power And Go For Our Freedom
NINAS Secretariat
02 April 2023

In the aftermath of the 2023 electoral charade, one sure route to victory still available to the rest of Nigeria from desperate Caliphate machinations to retain Power is to Swiftly Reject the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria and any elections mandated by it. This they (i.e., the rest of Nigeria but particularly East & West) can do by loudly proclaiming their Repudiation and Rejection of that Constitution as the Basis of Union and Democracy for the clear reasons already outlined by NINAS, which tie the many debilitations and miseries of Nigerians as well as the many monumental failures of Nigeria, directly to that Caliphate-imposed Unitary Constitution and its False Claims; its unshackling structures and its heinous provisions.

With all of what NINAS has done in identifying with precision and getting to the roots of the many hitherto “mysterious” anomalies of Nigeria, including the ethnic fault-lines and conflicts deliberately orchestrated to exacerbate same, the religious bogey and manipulations, the egregious economic expropriations, the Conquest Designs of the Fulani and the Caliphate and the overarching constitutional framework enabling those designs, the sudden Joint Demand by the Peoples against that Constitution as stipulated by the NINAS Constitutional Force Majeure (CFM) Proclamation will nullify the stranglehold of the Caliphate and simultaneously, free our long-hijacked Sovereignties thereby restoring our Ownership and Control of our Lands, Waters and Economic Assets, as well as the Power to Defend our Territories, Peoples, and Assets.

The Igbo East and the Yoruba West must now look beyond all claims to Electoral Mandate and POWER under that Constitution from the botched 2023 Elections and rather go for their FREEDOM working with the rest of the NINAS Alliance to enact the Joint Jailbreak represented by the NINAS CFM.

The alternative to all these is to watch the Caliphate Conquest Designs come to fruition while we (Igbo & Yoruba) remain in the same distractive but Caliphate-British orchestrated recriminations that bitterly pitched Azikiwe (by extension Igbo) and Awolowo (by extension Yoruba) for decades, whilst the Caliphate repeatedly went away with the Trophy (i.e., Power and Control over the vast estate the world calls “NIGERIA”).

It is not for nothing that Chief Obafemi, in his last days, told his Yoruba disciples that the Key to extricating the Yoruba and the Igbo from the Bondage of the Caliphate was for the two to work TOGETHER. By Providence, NINAS provides a Framework to make this happen right now, and the outcome of the 2023 Presidential Election provides the most potent impetus and setting.

Put differently, the Action required right now from the oppressed and endangered Peoples of Southern Nigeria (and the Middle-Belt) to complete the Liberation Task at hand is simply to Declare very loudly with CONVICTION that:

NINAS Is Right; Constitution Is The Problem; Transition Now.

Anything else is a gamble that will most likely end in absolute disaster, as the enemy already encircled the entire country.

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